Schedule of Events at the Mossy Oak Booth (Booth 701):
Friday, February 14:
All Day - Sara Lavender Burkhalter’s children’s book signing, “Sam’s First Duck Hunt”
Saturday, February 15:
10:00 AM - Meet and Greet with Dave Owens of the Pinhoti Project
4:30 PM - 5 PM - Unprofessional Youth Calling Contest hosted by Cuz Strickland (Country Outdoors Booth 500A, next to Mossy Oak's 701)
Schedule of Sponsored Events Outside of the Mossy Oak Booth:
Wednesday, February 12:
7 - 10 PM - Grand Ole Opry - NWTF Foundation Board’s Conservation Aid Concert with entertainment from Chris Janson, Lauren Alaina, Locash, Drew Baldridge, The Castellos and more! Tickets Available Here
7:30 PM - Delta Lobby A - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening
Friday, February 14th:
11 AM - Ryman Studio D - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening
1 PM - Ryman Studio D - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening
2:15 – 4 PM - Ryman Ballroom - What is the Secret Sauce: Stories from a Lifetime in the Spring Woods with Ronnie “Cuz” Strickland
3 PM - Ryman Studio D - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening
4 - 7 PM - Governor's Ballroom - Grand National Calling Championships: Youth Calling Divisions
Saturday, February 15th:
11 AM - Ryman Studio D - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening
1 PM - Ryman Studio D - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening
3 PM - Ryman Studio D - "The Colonel and The Fox" Special Screening