Since our Bottomland beginnings, we've been known as America's Camo Experts. With Mossy Oak Country Roots - we're still proud to fly that flag.
Backed by 35+ years of leading camouflage design, Country Roots represents the latest in effective concealment with a recognizable connection to our own roots and hunting's most iconic camo pattern, Mossy Oak Bottomland. As outdoorsmen, woodsmen, and supporters of conservation we're proud to offer a camo pattern that stands for something. From the woods to the cabin, at the ball game, or out with friends.
Mossy Oak is rooted in an authentic connection to hunting, a deep connection to the land, and meaningful relationships with everyone who enjoys spending time outside getting closer to nature.

Whether it's a 200 yard shot across a field, or a 20 yard shot with a bow in hand and your back against a tree, versatile concealment passes the test at any distance

// Mossy Oak Country Roots
Since the days of Bottomland we've been known as America's camo experts - and to this day, not much has changed. With Mossy Oak Country Roots - we designed a pattern that pays homage to the uniform of authentic outdoorsmen across the nation, Mossy Oak Original Bottomland.
Mossy Oak Country Roots is the perfect marriage of Bottomland's time-tested concealment in any environment with a modern take on realistic stick-and-limb effectiveness for a truly versatile pattern designed to blend in anywhere.
For going on 40 years, Mossy Oak Bottomland has been the uniform of many outdoorsmen and true woodsmen across the nation. With Country Roots, we're proud to introduce a pattern that blends classic effectiveness with realistic elements to create a pattern focused on breaking up your silhouette any time of day, any time of year, in any environment.
It's Our Duty To Leave Things
Better Than We Found Them

// Being a Gamekeeper is in our Roots
Our roots run deep, and our roots keep us connected: connected to the land, to the critters, to this country, and to each other. We're deeply connected to a life focused on giving back more than we take and making the most out of the time we're given with those we care about the most. We take pride in making sure our roots keep us connected to the next generation of hunters and the wildlife we love to pursue. We believe it's our responsibility as gamekeepers to stay true to our roots...taking care of the land and passing on this way of life.
Conservation Articles
Giving back more than we take While teaching the next
generation of family and friends the importance of taking care of the dirt

// We're all connected
Whether it's a "you seeing anything" text while sitting in the woods with your back against a tree, telling stories around the campfire, or a friendly nod to a stranger wearing camo at the co-op – we as hunters, woodsmen, and conservationists, strive to connect with like-minded folks. Folks who carry the same values, traditions, and core beliefs that we do. Folks like us who work hard for our family, and hunt with respect for the chase as much as the harvest. Folks who have a genuine love for the land and the wildlife that call it home. We like to think of ourselves as a brand that stands for the folks who are proud to get their hands dirty and teach the next generation the importance of staying connected to God, Family, and Dirt.