Jason Worley

Nothing compares to days spent afield in pursuit of your favorite game animal. Adamant whitetail hunters would rather spend a crisp November day on an oak ridge than be anywhere else in the world. The lover of upland bird hunting lives for the opportunity to spend the day behind their favorite dog. A September day spent climbing mountain sides with lungs burning in pursuit of bugling elk cannot be replaced in any way. Unfortunately, many of us have to cherish those occasional days and dream about the next opportunity, which may be days, months, or even years away. How can one ease the pain that comes with needing to be afield even when the next opportunity may feel like a lifetime away? For this outdoorsman, it's through the stories of some of the greatest outdoor writers.
Remembering the Greats: Bottomland Book Club
Storytelling is as much a part of hunting as hunting is itself. Through a good book and storytelling, one can truly experience an adventure even when not there. It takes a truly talented author to hand over ownership of their story to anyone who reads it. We all read the words, but no two people envision the story the same. A good author understands that and can paint a picture with words, a picture that includes you, the reader. Stories from the pens of men like Theodore Roosevelt, William Hornaday, Zane Grey, and Horace Kephart, to name a few, can do just that. They can bring us into the hills, mountains, and fields next to the men. They make reading about hunting and adventure a whole new experience. Best of all, their stories give relief when our next trip afield seems ages away.
Compiled and edited by Lamar Underwood, Great American Hunting Stories is a book filled with stories that will take you to another place and time and make those endless days of waiting for your next outing much more bearable. From dangerous stalks on animals that fear little to hikes that will test the will of the hunter, these stories must be read to be appreciated. I can't say enough about how well this book was put together. So, when you can't be afield yourself, why not go grizzly hunting with Theodore Roosevelt, maybe mountain goat hunting with William Hornaday, or spend a day in pursuit of Bobwhite quail with Nash Buckingham? Trust me when I say, if you can't be in the woods chasing your favorite game, you can be anywhere and in pursuit of anything with a book full of stories written by the greats. You'll find just that in the pages of this book. Go check out Great American Hunting Stories.