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Trail cameras (or game cameras) are a fun way to keep up with what’s going on at your property. Whether you’re checking for pictures of that big buck or watching for pigs, it’s important to consider the placement of your camera.
You’ll want to place it in a heavily trafficked area for maximum photo capture. Here’s some tips on how to determine the best places to put your camera.
Trail Camera Placement
You can use OnX Hunt to manage your game cameras efficiently, like posting notes on where you’re frequently seeing a deer, organizing pictures by area, identifying access points for your camera, and more.
Here’s how to manage your game cameras using OnX Hunt.
Trail Camera Management
No matter what kind of game you’re capturing on camera, you’ll get more out of your photo collection by being organized and efficient. OnX Hunt makes it easy to make the most out of your land and your trail cameras.
For more information on how to use OnX Hunt for your hunting strategies, check out the GamePlan series on Mossy Oak GO.
Here’s a video of Mossy Oak’s Ben Maki finding a giant Oklahoma Whitetail using OnX Hunt.
For 20% off your first OnX Hunt subscription, use code “mossyoak” at checkout.