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Hunting Book Club - Inherit the Hunt | Mossy Oak

book cover of inherit the hunt laying near a gun


Review by Jason Worley

Hunting is an American tradition that belongs to us all. It's a tradition that can go back to the farthest reaches of one's lineage. It’s also a tradition that can begin when one person has the desire and is stirred somewhere from deep inside to become a hunter. They don’t necessarily have to come from a hunting family. If the hunter in them speaks, we are blessed to live in a country where anyone can listen to and embrace that voice. For many it follows the traditional pathway of father to son, father to daughter, uncle to nephew, grandfather to granddaughter, and some may come into hunting from less traditional pathways. Many these days are wanting to be more connected to what they eat, and are listening to a voice buried in us all….the voice of the hunter. What many fail to realize, though, is the history behind what and who gave us the opportunity to hunt. We often fall into the mindset that hunting is available to us simply because we can do it. I assure you it's not that simple and the story is one we should all know and embrace.

In 1999, the late Jim Posewitz, wrote a book titled, Inherit The Hunt, A Journey into the Heart of American Hunting.This extremely well written book takes the reader down a tough and tumble path that led to the hunting opportunities we have today. As Posewitz explains, “We are connected to pleistocene hunters, peasants of old england, barons, revolutionary founding fathers, oyster gathers, Presidents, game wardens, and dedicated game managers….. when we take to the fields, forests, and marshes, the deeds of these people are reflected in the freedom we have to hunt and in the game available to us.” Our way of life has much to owe these diverse thinkers and doers, many who fought for the right to hunt….the right for all of us to hunt.

If you find yourself grateful for the opportunity to watch the sunrise from a duck blind, maybe the feeling of a crisp fall breeze, or the heart pounding sound of a spring gobbler, you owe it to yourself and those that came before us to learn this rich story. I assure you there is no better way then to pick up, Inherit The Hunt, by Jim Posewitz. I'll leave you with a short excerpt of the book's dedication. Its words have tremendous depth and generational meaning.

“This book is dedicated to a generation of people not yet born who will carry the desire to hunt in some mysterious configuration of their genetic make-up. Only they will know whether my generation kept the faith with our predecessors, and met expectations of those who will be our heirs.”

Please find it at the link below.

Inherit The Hunt

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