This past winter has been very mild in most places across the nation. Soil temperatures have stayed somewhat warmer than normal with this mild winter, this gives cool season weeds a head start in your plots heading into spring. This may mean you will need to look at spraying your plots a few weeks earlier than normal this year. This includes spraying perennial fields containing clovers, alfalfas, chicory, etc for grasses, as well as using non-selective herbicides for preparing fields for warm season annuals. HERBICIDE APPLICATIONS on weeds are much more effective when the target weeds are young and in a thriving and growing stage.
Checklist For Applying Grass Specific Herbicides
Make sure to use surfactant or crop oil, grass specific herbicides don’t work well without them.
Apply when UV light is low (cloudy days) and air temperature is above 70 degrees.
Target weeds are actively growing and not in a stressed period such as drought.
If you are using hard water for tank mixing, use a water conditioner or acidifier to improve herbicide effectiveness.
Mild Winter Gives Weeds A Head Start
Prune Your Trees Before It’s Too Late
Fruit trees need continuous care if they’re going to remain productive. So many people have fruit trees on their property that have grown out of control. These people usually don’t understand the tonnage a few fruit trees can actually provide. Many people think that pruning is cosmetic, but when it comes to fruit trees proper pruning is essential for the best yield and now is prime time.